Tuesday 23 March 2021

Energy Questions

 For this task, we had to watch the video and answer the questions for most of the questions I had to go back and watch the clip again something I found hard was understanding how to explain the question and put it into text

  1. The difference between kinetic and potential energy? The difference is that kinetic energy is the energy of an object that is and a moving motion and potential is the energy that is stored at the angle of an object. But energy can change based on the motion an object takes.

  2. To determine the amount of kinetic energy of an object you have to see the mass of the object so how big the object means how fast the object is so that means it has more kinetic energy.

  3. As something goes upwards it builds up potential energy and depending on how high the object goes is how much potential energy it has and as is it goes higher and higher the energy increases 

  4. As you push down the spring and it builds up potential energy and as you move your finger the spring pushes up and all the potential energy goes into kinetic energy as it goes up

Compare and Contrast


For this activity, we had to read two different texts and had to describe what's different and what's the same and put them into text, and then write them in the bubbles