Monday 16 December 2019

Day one of SLJ

This is the list of stuff that I would bring on a canoe for three weeks

1.  Lemon Juice

2.  Oranges

3.  Apples

4.  Strawberries

5.  Mandarins

6.  Cucumber

7.  Water

8.  Avocados

9.  Carrots

10. Watermelons

Today we did our day one of the SLJ and we had to write down 10 foods to take on a canoe for three weeks the reason that I picked lemon juice because if you pour lemon juice on food it makes it last longer and the reason that I picked all the fruit is because it lasts very long


  1. Hi Harlem
    Your list looks way healthier than mine. I took chocolate and all that. I never new that if you poor lemon juice on stuff it would make it last longer. Wouldn't that make it sour? How did you find out about this?
    Keep up the great work

    1. Kia ora Molly its Harlem thank you for the nice comment. I would like to your blog and see your SLJ blog posts

      Yours Sincerely

    2. Hi Harlem

      Do you need my blog address? Here it is.

      Thanks for replying

  2. Hey Harlem!

    My name is Matilda. I live in Auckland, and this summer I am working as one of the blog commenters that will be reading and commenting on your blog posts. I am really looking forward to reading everything you post for the summer learning journey, and getting to know you a bit better!

    Thank you for doing this blog post! I can tell you thought carefully about the foods you would bring with you! I would definitely want fruit with me too if I was going away on a boat for three weeks! It was a good idea to bring lemon juice! It would help make your fruit last longer.

    Having fruit with you while you are on a boat would be very important! But I wonder if you would get hungry if all you ate for three weeks was fruit? Are there any other foods you would want to take with you for the journey? Maybe something that would be a bit more filling. :)

    Well done! Keep up the good work! I’m looking forward to hearing from you!


    1. Kia ora Matilda thank you for the amazing blog post. I think you are right I should of put some more filling food.

      I hope to hear from you more during the summer and I hope you have a Merry Christmas

      Yours Sincerely


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