Wednesday 4 December 2019

SLJ Teaser- Lorde

This is my DLO for the teaser week of the Summer Learning Journey. We had to research facts about Lorde the New Zealand singer and then create a blog post about her.


  1. Hi Harlem

    Welcome to the teaser week for the Summer Learning Journey. My name is Allie and I am the cluster manager for the SLJ in Toki Pounamu. I am thrilled that you have made to start with your first activity. Well done to you!
    You have got a lot of information on your blog post, however it is really hard to read. If you are able to have a look at it and make it a bit easier to read that would be fantastic.
    It is amazing how well Lorde has done on the international stage. She really has become an icon and role model for young people in New Zealand. It just goes to show that you can achieve anything even if you come from a small place like Ne Zealand.
    We are looking forward to reading your next post for the SLJ and hope that you will blog with us over the summer. Not long to go now before school if finished for the year!
    Keep up the great work Harlem!


    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie thank you for the amazing comment it is very nice of you to look at my blog and this year I will try my hardest for the SLJ because it will help me learn alot and I hope it will be a fun experience

      Yours Sincerely
      Harlem have a great day Allie


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.